Intrathoracic pressure regulating devices increase chest vacuum, improving preload, increasing cardiac output and decreasing intracranial pressure, thereby improving perfusion of the brain and vital organs. Devices used to regulate intrathoracic pressure are the ZOLL ResQPOD impedance threshold device (ITD), as well as ResQGARD impedance threshold device (ITD) and ResQCPR system.
The ResQPOD impedance threshold device (ITD) is simple in design, non-invasive, and is used in basic or extended cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to increase perfusion by regulating intrathoracic pressure. Clinical trials have shown that ResQPOD ITD improves survival by 25% or more with high quality CPR.2
ResQCPR System
The ResQCPR system further enhances ResQPOD’s perfusion-enhancing capabilities. The ResQPUMP device allows active compression and decompression CPR (ACD-CPR) to provide full and active chest expansion. In a large clinical trial, the ResQCPR system has been shown to provide a 49% improvement in 1-year survival after cardiac arrest. It is the only FDA-approved CPR survival device.
The ResQGARD impedance threshold device (ITD) is designed to quickly and safely, non-invasively improve perfusion in hypotension with spontaneous breathing. This is a perfect way to stabilize a patient after basic life support before medical attention arrives.